Lettuce Soup Recipe

Lettuce Soup Recipe

Lettuce is an herbaceous plant, it is normally consumed raw in many types of salads but it is ideal to consume it in a soup as in this case. Lettuce provides benefits to the body, one of the most important is that it helps to fall asleep. It is also purifying, that is, it helps to cleanse our body….

Fuchifu Soup Recipe

Fuchifu Soup Recipe

Fuchifu soup is the result of the fusion of Chinese gastronomy together with Peruvian cuisine. Immigrants from China arrived in Peru at the end of the 19th century that is where the famous “chifas” were born. The word chifa comes from a combination of the terms “chi” to eat “fan” rice. Fuchifú soup is found…

Creole Soup Recipe

Creole Soup Recipe

Creole soup is a traditional Peruvian dish, that is, a Creole dish. The origin of this dish dates back to colonial times, however, it is important to note that in the pre-Hispanic communities the Incas consumed it and called it “chupis”. The word “criollo” was an adjective to address Peruvians of Spanish descent. The main ingredient of the…

Cold Tomato Soup Recipe

Cold Tomato Soup Recipe

Cold tomato soup is a dish very similar to gazpacho and salmorejo, although it has some modifications in its list of ingredients and texture. For example, the original gazapacho usually includes wine vinegar, the salmorejo egg, ham and bread, and this soup requires other ingredients that do not include these. Of course, we can always make changes and adapt…