Snail soup recipe

Snail soup recipe

Ingredients to make snail soup: 1 bag of snail paste 3 tomatoes 1 garlic 1 piece of onion oil or butter 1 liter of chicken broth How to make snail soup: Fry a pasta casserole in oil or butter, until it turns golden. Blend the tomato with the garlic and onion already blended and with…

Snail Stew Recipe

Snail Stew Recipe

Snail Stew Recipe Ingredients to make snail stew: Snails (at discretion) 1 bunch of fennel 1 onion 1-2 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon cumin 1 pepper Salt gofer 1 glass of white rum How to make snail stew: 1 Pour the snails into hot water and bring to a boil, leave over medium heat for…