Vegetable and Mushroom Risotto Recipe

Vegetable and Mushroom Risotto Recipe

Risotto is a typical Italian dish made with rice, very famous especially in the north of the country. we present this vegetable and mushroom risotto for vegetarians that is also perfect for athletes and children. We hope you like the combination of vegetables and rice. Do not miss this dish! Ingredients to make Risotto of vegetables and mushrooms: 2 units of…

Tomato Risotto Recipe

Tomato Risotto Recipe

Ingredients to make Tomato Risotto: 1 1/2 cup(s) plain rice 1 tablespoon(s) butter 1/2 tablespoon(s) olive oil 1/2 large jar(s) tomato(s), drained 1/2 teaspoon(s) brown chili powder 5 cup(s) chicken broth 1/2 cup(s) white wine How to make Tomato Risotto: Mix the chopped tomatoes with chili, thyme, oregano and basil.  Boil the broth with the…