Easy and Delicious Chickpeas with American Sauce Recipe

Easy and Delicious Chickpeas with American Sauce Recipe

American sauce is usually used to accompany fish and shellfish; however, it is also perfect to experiment with in the kitchen. That is precisely what I have done and, for this reason, I share with you this delicious recipe made with chickpeas that are delicious as well as healthy, so that no one says that eating vegetables is…

Tempeh recipe in sauce

Tempeh recipe in sauce

Baby panging is a tomato-based sauce traditionally used for a roast pork dish in Dutch-Indonesian-Chinese fusion cuisine. It is a sauce similar to sweet and sour sauce, very typical of Asian cuisine, whose main ingredients are tomato puree, ginger, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, onion and garlic. The sauce goes well with all meats, but in…