Fried Chickpeas Recipe

Fried Chickpeas Recipe

One of the star products during spring, in Spain and much of Europe, are turnips, which are used for their leafy leaves and stems, better known as turnip tops or turnip tops. In this recipe for fried chickpeas you will learn to prepare a delicious vegan dish that, although it is not light, its flavor will surely surprise you….

French Lentil Recipe

French Lentil Recipe

There are two kinds of lentils: those called Spanish, larger and with more pronounced skin, and those called French, smaller and finer. Both are cooked in a similar way –and both are good–, but the so-called French lentils are more digestible. Unlike the beans, it is preferable to cook the French lentils in an express pot (fast) for 10 minutes, and…

Feijoada Recipe

Feijoada Recipe

Feijoada is a typical dish of Brazilian and Portuguese cuisine and is characterized by having black beans and a mixture of pork as main ingredients. Its main accompaniment is white rice and lemons or oranges are used as a dressing. Let’s see the ingredients of our recipe and the step by step that we teach you to prepare the feijoada in an…

Fava Bean Puree Recipe

Fava Bean Puree Recipe

Broad beans belong to the legume family and are a healthy food since they favor intestinal transit and help lower cholesterol. With this recipe you will learn to make a smooth and delicious puree, perfect for children. Ingredients to make mashed beans: 250 grams of broad beans 1 unit of red onion 2 cloves of garlic 150 milliliters of broad…