Rib Noodles Recipe

Rib Noodles Recipe

Rib Noodles Recipe The pork rib is a very tasty and cheap meat that lends itself to creating many dishes.we are going to cook these rib noodles, a great recipe to be able to eat hot in these autumn months that await us. You will see that the preparation does not take much time and the taste is wonderful….

Rice Stew Recipe

Rice Stew Recipe

Rice Stew Recipe The most interesting thing about regional recipes is that they all have a different version, although at the same time, they are the same dish. Of course, this Argentinian rice stew recipe is no exception. Some prefer meat, which is the most common way of preparing it, but others use chicken, chorizo, bacon, etc. The important thing…

Rice with beans recipe

Rice with beans recipe

Rice with beans recipe A delicious dish of rice with beans, a simple and very complete stew. Preparing legume dishes with rice is a good option to make complete dishes, they are also very good. Rice goes well with all legumes, which is why we find recipes that cook it with chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas… These dishes provide…

Riverside Stew Recipe

Riverside Stew Recipe

Riverside Stew Recipe The coccid riverine, also known as calderas riverine, is one of the most representative and appreciated dishes of Ribera de Navarra. The calderas are a popular stew, of clear peasant lineage, which can be prepared in many different ways. I have heard it said many times that “everything fits in the stew”, and it is. The staple…

Red Aporreadillo Recipe

Red Aporreadillo Recipe

Red Aporreadillo Recipe The aporreadillo is dry, shredded meat scrambled with egg, with red or green sauce. Unlike other dishes, this is not for celebrations, but for every day. Although it is said to be of Michoacán origin, the truth is that several states in the Tierra Caliente region share this traditional stew. We will give you the step…