Pea Spread Recipe

Pea Spread Recipe

This delicious split pea paste is perfect for spreading on rolls or toast. You can serve the pea dip that we show you at this article at any time and it is a healthy and nutritious preparation. In addition, it also works as a garnish, it gives color and a different flavor to our dishes. Ingredients to make Pea Spread…

Oregano Dip Recipe

Oregano Dip Recipe

Although in most of the American continent the word ‘dip’ is in common use, in Europe it is not known and is replaced by what we call pâté. In any case, these are delicious creams or spreads that can come in thousands of flavors, with textures that are always creamy and smooth. Learn in this opportunity to prepare an…

Pan Bagnat recipe

Pan Bagnat recipe

Bagnat bread is a classic recipe of Mediterranean cuisine. This sandwich is original from the south of France and consists of a sandwich stuffed with tuna accompanied by multiple ingredients. Bagnat bread is ideal for sharing at a family gathering. Ingredients to make Pan Bagnat: 1 unit of baguette bread 20 grams of white onion 2 slices of red tomato 2 lettuce leaves…

Olive Salad Recipe

Olive Salad Recipe

In this recipe you will learn how to make a delicious olive salad quickly and easily. Many times we feel like consuming olives in a meeting with crackers and if they are accompanied by other ingredients I assure you that they will be much better. Follow this recipe step by step and repair this easy appetizer in less than 15 minutes….

Oat Arepas Recipe

Oat Arepas Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make some delicious oatmeal arepas, a healthy recipe for those who want to take care of themselves a little more. These corn and oatmeal arepas are typical in Colombia and Venezuela, where they are usually served with all kinds of accompaniments, such as pork ham, cheese and hogao. Let’s see the step by step…

Nacatamal Recipe

Nacatamal Recipe

Ingredients to make Nacatamal: 2 corn kernels 2 tablespoons of lime 1/4 pound of butter 2 cups of broth 2 cloves of garlic 1 onion 1 red bell pepper 1 green bell pepper 1 teaspoon fresh parsley 1 dash of color 1 chicken breast, cooked 1 pound pork, cooked 2 tomatoes 1/2 cup of cooked…