Spinach Gnocchi Recipe

Spinach Gnocchi Recipe

Gnocchi are small portions of dough made from cooked potatoes, traditional in Italian cuisine. Currently, there are many versions of the traditional recipe, such as this spinach gnocchi, a delight for the palate. Likewise, they are ideal for getting children to eat vegetables, since, without realizing it, they will enjoy a delicious dish and take…

Spanish Potato Recipe

Spanish Potato Recipe

If you want to prepare a delicious side dish without many complications, we recommend you make this recipe for Spanish potatoes. And, although fried sliced ​​potatoes are also called that, the original recipe for Spanish potatoes consists of cooking them in the oven. You should simply add a little salt, freshly ground black pepper and…

Fish Quesadillas Recipe

Fish Quesadillas Recipe

Fish quesadillas are a good way to whet your appetite when it comes to seafood. Give yourself the opportunity to try these Mexican quesadillas as an appetizer or to accompany a fresh shrimp ceviche. Follow the easy recipe that we show you and surprise everyone at home. Ingredients to make Fish Quesadillas: 6 fish fillets 500 grams of tomato 250 grams of…