Marine Broth Recipe

Marine Broth Recipe

Ingredients to make Marine Broth: 1/2 kilo of skate in pieces 1/2 kilo of medium shrimp without peeling 1/2 kilo of small clam White pepper cumin aromatic herbs epazote For the broth: guajillo chili tomato onion Garlic Salt NOTE: This recipe makes up to 6 servings. How to make Marine Broth: Boil water and add…

Sancochado Arequipa Recipe

Sancochado Arequipa Recipe

One of the great versions of the famous sancochado is the Arequipa version, better known as stew or timpu, which means “lamb food” in Quechua. This excellent recipe is traditional in the Peruvian highlands, especially during the carnival months, in February and March. The stew has Inca roots and its basic ingredients were potatoes, chuño, cassava and…

Machas Soup Recipe

Machas Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Machas Soup: 125 gr tongue stains 1/2 unit(s) onion(s) cut pen 1/2 beer bottle 1 tablespoon(s) oil 1/2 tablespoon(s) colored pepper 1 1/2 tablespoon(s) chopped parsley to taste pepper salt to taste 1/2 cup(s) fried breadcrumbs How to make Machas Soup: Hit the tongues of machas with the handle of a knife. Wash…