Chicken Consommé Recipe

Chicken Consommé Recipe

The consommés are those homemade, concentrated soups that recharged the energy to the maximum. Chicken consommé is perfect for a cold day or when we need to recover lost energy, a tasty and useful recipe. Follow these simple steps and prepare a rich, healthy and nutritious soup that you can surely include in your diet to lose weight. Ingredients to…

Marrow Soup Recipe

Marrow Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Bone Marrow Soup: For 6 people: 400kg marrow 1 pc. chicken breast 1/4kg tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped onion 3 u. cured chipotles 4 cup chicken broth 1 tablespoon chopped epazote 1 tablespoon butter How to make Bone Marrow Soup: With a sharp and pointed knife, the thick skin that covers it is very carefully removed from…

Chicken Carbonada Recipe

Chicken Carbonada Recipe

Nothing more comforting than a good chicken soup to give warmth to the body. This recipe for chicken carbonada is popular in Chilean homes, its most common preparation is with strips of beef, but the version with chicken is still delicious and a great option when it comes to making a comforting homemade meal. This recipe is prepared based…

Seafood Cream Recipe

Seafood Cream Recipe

To prepare this delicious seafood cream we will use a tomato soup base with a powerful seafood mix that contains octopus, crab heart and fish, and we will also use fresh shrimp and prawns. If you like the taste of the sea you will love this cream and let’s not forget that seafood is considered a natural aphrodisiac so go ahead and…

Marine Soup Recipe

Marine Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make sea soup: 1 kilo fish (only spines, heads) 2 handfuls of washed rice 4 garlic cloves, crushed with half an onion, minced 2 tablespoons of cornstarch 1 cup of yuyo, algae or ground mococho 4 mixed eggs 1 jar of evaporated milk 200 grams prawns or shrimp 8 pieces of fish (pulp) seasoned…

Seafood Broth Recipe

Seafood Broth Recipe

Seafood broth is a soup that, served piping hot, lifts anyone’s spirits. Don’t be surprised by the number of steps, the recipe for this seafood soup is very easy, go ahead and prepare it and serve it as a starter at a party or special celebration. Ingredients to make Seafood Broth: 5 envelopes of Mojarra or Big catfish ½…