Wheat Soup Recipe

Wheat Soup Recipe

The wheat soup arrived in Peru thanks to the Spanish during the colonization. This dish is traditionally cooked in clay pots to conserve heat, also with the aim of making it more palatable. This recipe is made from one of the most consumed cereals worldwide: wheat, considered a super food. This stew is prepared in other Latin…

Wheat Pozole Recipe

Wheat Pozole Recipe

In September the national holidays are celebrated in Mexico, so it is a month where multiple traditional dishes of this country are cooked. During these festivities, you can’t miss one of the most popular dishes, pozole, but how about a low-fat, corn-free recipe? On this occasion, we are going to prepare a delicious and festive wheat and…

Watermelon Gazpacho with Strawberries Recipe

Watermelon Gazpacho with Strawberries Recipe

If you are spending very hot days… how about a delicious cold summer soup, practical, economical and also healthy. Well, we have the perfect option for you, it is an exquisite watermelon and strawberry gazpacho, an excellent dish for those hot afternoons, in which everyone is about to come home tired and hungry. This delicious cold watermelon soup…

Venezuelan Fosforera Recipe

Venezuelan Fosforera Recipe

Venezuelan phosphorus soup is a typical dish from the coastal area of ​​eastern Venezuela. Aphrodisiac qualities are attributed to this recipe due to the wide variety of maritime ingredients it contains. The Venezuelan shellfish matchstick provides a high nutritional content, which is why it is said in Venezuela that it “raises even a dead person”. Its preparation is laborious but…