Zucchini Cream Recipe without Cream

Zucchini Cream Recipe without Cream

Lactose intolerant people can also enjoy the full flavor of numerous creams that are originally prepared with cream or milk cream. The vegetable cream without cream replaces this dairy with other ingredients such as potatoes, which have the same thickening power. The zucchini and potato cream that we have prepared is designed for beginners in the kitchen, since it is…

Wonton Soup Recipe

Wonton Soup Recipe

When temperatures drop and winter arrives, one of the healthiest and easiest options to make is wonton soup. You can find this soup in all the “chifas”, that is, in all the restaurants specialized in Chinese food, we point out that in these restaurants you will find a fusion of Chinese-Peruvian cuisine. Wonton soup, also called wonton…

White Salmorejo Recipe

White Salmorejo Recipe

The white salmorejo is a cold soup typical of Andalusian cuisine, also called mazamorra from Cordoba, a popular preparation in Córdoba that is prepared the same, however, each house adds its special point. In this case, this white salmorejo consists of a very fresh and very nutritious soup, a typical summer dish that is served…