Ginger Candies Recipe

Ginger Candies Recipe

Ginger root is well known for its therapeutic properties, as it helps regulate digestion and reduce nausea, as well as helping to counteract cold and flu symptoms. There are many ways to consume ginger. For example, there are those who infuse with lemon. Others, at the first sign of flu, chew small pieces of the root. But are…

Gaznates Recipe

Gaznates Recipe

The gullet is a cylindrical sweet that is made with a wheat paste filled with meringue. It is very popular in Mexico, especially in the central zone of the country, because who does not remember the merengues through the streets of Mexico with their tray full of these delicious sweets. In this article, we want…

Fraisier Pie Recipe

Fraisier Pie Recipe

Fraisier cake, also known as strawberry tart, is a classic of French pastry. This preparation is completely filled with whole strawberries, although the most characteristic are the halves around the cake that make it so attractive. Its composition consists of two sheets of Genoese sponge cake, filled with strawberries and muslin cream. In the upper part, it normally…