Cannelloni Recipe

Cannelloni Recipe

Ingredients to make Cannelloni: 500 g. ground beef 2 clove(s) garlic 1 pc. egg 1/4 cup(s) gratin cheese 1/4 cup(s) parsley 1/4 cup(s) breadcrumbs 1 cup(s) spinach 2 can(s) tomato sauce 1 pc. crepe recipe for cannelloni and manicotti How to make Cannelloni: The meat is fried with a little oil. While it cooks, it should be broken…

Plum jam recipe

Plum jam recipe

Homemade jams are an excellent option to sweeten our days and integrate fruits in a pure and healthy way. For this reason, in this article, we bring you this yellow plum jam, a very simple preparation in which you can let the children participate. They will love to savor the result! We are going to prepare a rich…