Beet Arepas Recipe

Beet Arepas Recipe

There is a wide variety of ways to savor delicious arepas. Yes, it is no longer enough to prepare them with vegetables or assorted cereals and invent various forms of filling. Now, we have to show them… colorful! In addition, each color warns of the load of original and different flavors such as spinach arepas or the ones we will…

Recipe of Spaghetti a la marinera with cream

Recipe of Spaghetti a la marinera with cream

Seafood pasta is a well-known dish in Italy, especially in the coastal regions.  we have mixed this seafood sauce with some spaghetti with cream and we have loved it. The seafood sauce for pasta that we have prepared to accompany this spaghetti is a fine, smooth and flavorful dressing. If you are looking for different recipes for spaghetti with sauce,…