Chocolate Truffles Recipe for Kids – Halloween Desserts

Chocolate Truffles Recipe for Kids – Halloween Desserts

Chocolate is a delicacy for everyone and it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t enjoy eating it. All year round, children’s chocolate desserts are a hit, but at Halloween and Christmas they are glorious. And the fact is that the chocolate candies are very varied: chocolates, cakes, candies, ice creams, puddings, cookies, cakes and…, truffles! For truffle lovers,…

Christmas rice recipe with red and green pepper

Christmas rice recipe with red and green pepper

Are you looking for recipes for Christmas and you still don’t have a clear menu? If you want to prepare a special main dish and would like to combine it with an original side dish, we suggest this Christmas rice with red and green pepper. Christmas recipes are usually special because they are intended for family celebrations and with…