Baked Guava Cheesecake Recipe

Baked Guava Cheesecake Recipe

On this occasion, we share with this article spectacular guava cheesecake with which you will delight all your loved ones on any occasion. For more details, keep reading below where we explain the ingredients and the step by step to know how to make this delicious guava cheesecake recipe. Ingredients to make Baked Guava Cheesecake: 1 cup crushed graham crackers…

Pazo de Vilane style Bandullo recipe

Pazo de Vilane style Bandullo recipe

The bandullo de pazo or bandullo gallego is a traditional Galician dessert very similar to a bread pudding. It is prepared with cheap ingredients and is considered a recipe for use, since leftover bread, eggs and nuts are the main elements. It is typically consumed at Carnival, although it can be prepared all year round. As it has few ingredients, this…