Meat and carrot lasagna recipe
Today we cook meat lasagna step by step, with detailed photos so…
Chicken Cannelloni in Red Sauce Recipe
Ingredients to make Chicken Cannelloni in Red Sauce: 2 units of chicken…
Tangerine and chocolate cake recipe
In pastry, citrus flavors together with chocolate represent one of the most…
Crab Encebollado Recipe
Ingredients to make Crab Encebollado: 1 string of crabs (10 crabs) 1…
Microwave stuffed trout recipe
The microwave stuffed trout recipe is made in just 10 minutes, since…
Ratatouille recipe with apple
A homemade ratatouille recipe to accompany meat, fish or eggs. If you want your…
Homemade Easter Eggs Recipe without mold
As you well know, chocolate eggs are an unmistakable symbol of Easter. You…
Quince compote recipe
Quince is a fruit that is not usually eaten raw, as it…
Pasta recipe with prawns and mushrooms
Ingredients to make Pasta with prawns and mushrooms: 350 grams of mushrooms…
Marlin Tacos Recipe
Ingredients to make marlin tacos: About 250 grams. raw marlin 1/2 cup tomato…