English Porridge Recipe

English Porridge Recipe

Have you tried the typical English porridge breakfast? These oatmeal porridges are fabulous to acquire the necessary energy in our day to day. Especially if you are an athlete, this oatmeal dish, better known as English porridge, provides you with the carbohydrates you need to face your physical activity. In addition, you can accompany the oatmeal porridge with a multitude of ingredients…

Oatmeal Porridge Recipe

Oatmeal Porridge Recipe

Porridge is an oatmeal porridge that is usually prepared with oat flakes, milk or water. On this occasion, we have accompanied the oat flakes with goat milk so that both lactose intolerant and vegans can also enjoy it. The oatmeal porridge recipe can be accompanied by many ingredients. In this case, we have added fresh fruit, chocolate and seeds. In…

Porridge Recipe

Ingredients to make Porridge: For 4 people: 250 gr of wheat flour a little of oil half a liter of milk Salt sugar cinnamon powder vanilla How to make Porridge: In a medium frying pan, pour a little oil (just to cover the surface) and when it is a little hot, add the flour little…

Serrano Porridge Recipe

Serrano Porridge Recipe

Serrano Porridge Recipe Ingredients to make Dachas Serrano’s: 1 head of garlic (Pardoners) 1kg liver 3 sausages 1 kg of Bacon 6 tablespoons porridge flour (Aortas) 6 half teaspoons of Paprika Salt Caraway nutmeg a pinch of cinnamon 250 grams of mushrooms How to make porridge: 1 Fry the bacon, the chorizo ​​and a little…