Plantain and cheese croquettes recipe

Plantain and cheese croquettes recipe

The plantain and cheese croquettes are small bites of mashed plantain stuffed with cheese, coated with egg and breadcrumbs to fry until they are crispy and golden. These croquettes are perfect to enjoy as snacks at a meeting with friends or serve as an appetizer. Keep reading and discover the step by step to learn how to prepare these plantain croquettes….

Green plantain arepas recipe without flour

Green plantain arepas recipe without flour

You want a different breakfast but in the kitchen you only have some green bananas, besides…, you don’t feel like leaving home to buy! Don’t worry, this recipe for Venezuelan arepas is perfect for those of us who are lazy on specific days: green plantain arepa without flour. This article brings you a recipe without complications, so you…

Ripe plantain arepas recipe without corn flour

Ripe plantain arepas recipe without corn flour

A one-ingredient recipe… Incredible! A simple, fast and very economical appetizer. But no one gets wrong! A single ingredient does not limit its flavor. The oil is optional, it depends on the pan you use. If you want a different flavor from the traditional corn arepas, you don’t know the pleasure of arepas or you’ve run out of flour…