Turkey Pate Recipe

Turkey Pate Recipe

Ingredients to make turkey pate: For 4 – 6 servings: 225 grams turkey cooked and ground twice 100 grams of butter 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped 1-2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced 2 tablespoons sherry, brandy or port A little chicken broth Salt pepper and nutmeg to taste 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme (optional) To decorate: Lettuce…

Smoked pomfret pate recipe with Thermomix

Smoked pomfret pate recipe with Thermomix

Smoked pomfret pâté with Thermomix is ​​a preparation that you can easily prepare at home without wasting much time or making great efforts if what you really like is fish. You will see that with the touch of cream and egg this white smoked pomfret pate is to suck your fingers. Try this easy pomfret pate recipe that we make available to you…