Whole wheat spelled pizza recipe with ham, mushrooms and onion

Whole wheat spelled pizza recipe with ham, mushrooms and onion

To make a delicious whole meal spelled pizza to your liking, you don’t have to complicate your life since you can perfectly buy the already made whole meal spelled pizza base or make it at home manually if you prefer. In this case, I have used an already purchased base to make this whole meal spelled pizza with ham, mushrooms…

Potatoes with chorizo ​​and onion recipe

Potatoes with chorizo ​​and onion recipe

Potatoes with chorizo ​​​​and onion an exquisite dish that also works very well as a garnish for grilled fish, meat, or even baked vegetables. Its preparation is very simple, fast and versatile, since if we wish we can include some other ingredient. Of course, if you do, do not forget to leave your comment with the suggestion. Chorizo ​​​​is…

Onion pakora recipe

Onion pakora recipe

Pakora is a typical Indian cooking method that consists of coating food with a mixture of egg and chickpea flour. With this easy recipe you will learn how to make pakoras onions, one of the most sought after recipes with this type of preparation. An ideal batter for celiacs and gluten intolerant. Ingredients to make Onion pakora: 3 units of…