Oat Truffles Recipe

Oat Truffles Recipe

The body is greatly benefited if you decide to include cereals such as oatmeal in your daily diet. Among all cereals, oatmeal is the one that contains the most vitamins and minerals, among which you can find zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and iron, among others. It also contains a considerable amount of soluble and insoluble fiber and…

Oat Arepas Recipe

Oat Arepas Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make some delicious oatmeal arepas, a healthy recipe for those who want to take care of themselves a little more. These corn and oatmeal arepas are typical in Colombia and Venezuela, where they are usually served with all kinds of accompaniments, such as pork ham, cheese and hogao. Let’s see the step by step…