Moorish Pastela Recipe with Thermomix

Moorish Pastela Recipe with Thermomix

The Moorish pastry or bastila is one of the most internationally known preparations of Arab cuisine. It is usually stuffed with chicken and almonds and has ground cinnamon. In this recipe, we are going to teach you how to prepare a Moorish pastry with Thermomix, which you can accompany with a delicious and typical Moorish tea. Ingredients to make Moorish Pastela…

Moorish Tea

Moorish Tea

Ingredients to make Moorish tea: 2 units of black tea 2 sprigs of mint 2 dessert spoons of brown sugar 450 milliliters of Water How to make Moorish tea: We gather all the ingredients to prepare the Moorish tea. Moroccan tea is traditionally made with gunpowder tea, but you can use any type of green or black…