Recipe of Lentils with Ribs and Black Pudding

Recipe of Lentils with Ribs and Black Pudding

Stewed lentils with ribs, black pudding and chorizo ​​are one of the most popular and traditional dishes of Spanish cuisine, due to their high iron content and variety of ingredients.  we teach you how to cook them easily and maintaining the intense flavor that characterizes this dish so much. Keep reading and go ahead and prepare these incredible lentils…

Widow Lentils Recipe

Widow Lentils Recipe

Widowed lentils, a spoon stew that is simple to make and delicious. It is known by this name because it does not contain any meat, only vegetables and, in some cases, potatoes. For this reason, we can also say that it is a very healthy vegetable dish, since it does not contain any fat. When cooking this lentil…

Vegetarian Lentil Stew Recipe

Vegetarian Lentil Stew Recipe

Miser wet also known as yes Mir wet or miser watt is a traditional vegetarian lentil stew from Ethiopian cuisine of lentils with tomato, onion and an aromatic mixture of typical spices called barbered. Miser wet is simple to prepare, it is nutritious, healthy, satiating and delicious. You are going to love this delicious recipe to cook vegetarian lentils with spices…

French Lentil Recipe

French Lentil Recipe

There are two kinds of lentils: those called Spanish, larger and with more pronounced skin, and those called French, smaller and finer. Both are cooked in a similar way –and both are good–, but the so-called French lentils are more digestible. Unlike the beans, it is preferable to cook the French lentils in an express pot (fast) for 10 minutes, and…