Baked grouper recipe

Baked grouper recipe

Grouper is a fish that provides multiple benefits to our body, among which its high content of B vitamins and essential minerals such as phosphorus and potassium stand out. The best way to consume it without altering its properties is steamed or baked. In this recipe we will teach you how to cook an exquisite baked grouper, don’t miss it!…

Fish Garlic Recipe

Fish Garlic Recipe

On this occasion you will learn to make a traditional recipe from Spain, fish garlic. It is a very simple and tasty preparation at the same time, based on marinated river fish and cooked with a garlic sauce. Do you want to know the step by step? Keep reading and cook this spectacular dish. Ingredients to make Fish Garlic:…

Encocado Fish Recipe

Encocado Fish Recipe

On this occasion, we present you a dish from Ecuadorian cuisine that is made with fresh fish cooked in coconut sauce. There are variations of this dish that are prepared with shrimp, crab, salmon or even squid, but you definitely cannot stay without trying the encocado fish. Ingredients to make Encocado Fish: To marinate the fish 1…