Falafel Recipe

Falafel Recipe

Ingredients to make Falafel: (4 portions) 250 grams of dried beans. 1 onion. 1 clove garlic. Baking powder. Salt (preferably sea salt). Olive oil. How to make Falafel: Falafel is becoming increasingly popular among Spaniards, mainly due to the proliferation of shops and restaurants specializing in Middle Eastern cuisine. These exquisite meatballs or legume croquettes are…

Chickpea Falafel Recipe

Chickpea Falafel Recipe

Falafel are one of those dishes that show that vegan cuisine is full of flavor and exquisite creations. Being very famous, falafel are usually sold in many places that, by not being careful in their preparation, end up serving dry and ungraceful bites. With this easy recipe you will learn how to make crispy, juicy and delicious chickpea falafel. Ingredients to make…

Red Bean Falafel Recipe

Red Bean Falafel Recipe

Falafel is a traditional dish of oriental cuisine that consists of croquettes or meatballs made from chickpeas. But this red bean falafel recipe that I have shared with is a version of the traditional falafel because I have replaced the main ingredient with red beans, in such a way that there are some very rich bean croquettes or…

Falafel Recipe with Yogurt Sauce

Falafel Recipe with Yogurt Sauce

Falafel is a well-known dish made from chickpeas and spices that has its origin in the East. These vegetarian croquettes are usually accompanied with a yogurt and cucumber sauce known as taztziki, light and above all very fresh. Go ahead and learn how to make falafel and surprise everyone at home with an original dish. Ingredients to make Falafel with yogurt sauce: falafel…

Falafel Burger Recipe

Falafel Burger Recipe

Falafel is a traditional recipe of Arab cuisine, a mixture of crushed chickpeas along with other ingredients that we detail below. This recipe is very attractive due to its characteristic flavors and its great nutritional value, ideal for those seeking a conscious diet free of ingredients of animal origin. It is also a great alternative to consider…

Lentil Falafel Recipe

Lentil Falafel Recipe

Falafel is a kind of croquette originating in the Middle East, whose consumption has spread throughout the world, being one of the most famous vegetarian dishes. Traditionally, it is made from chickpeas, but there are other versions, for example, with broad beans, beans or this one with lentils that I share to make a delicious lentil falafel you…

Baked Falafel Recipe

Baked Falafel Recipe

Falafel is a kind of flattened croquette based on chickpea paste. It is prepared with similar ingredients to the famous chickpea hummus, but the chickpea falafel is made with flour and fried to achieve a more solid consistency. In this case, we are going to prepare a lighter and healthier option with this delicious baked falafel recipe that we bring you. You…