Eggplant and Lemon Water to Lose Weight – Preparation and Contraindications

Eggplant and Lemon Water to Lose Weight – Preparation and Contraindications

Eggplant is one of the best allies when it comes to losing weight, and it is that in addition to being a low-calorie food, it is ideal to combine it with other equally beneficial products and obtain dishes full of flavor. Because following a diet to lose weight should not be synonymous with going hungry or stopping…

Eggplant chicha

Eggplant chicha

Ingredients to make Chicha de aubergines: 1/2 kilo of aubergines 1 cup brown sugar 11/2 cup powdered milk 4 cinnamon sticks Vanilla to taste How to make Eggplant Chicha: Eggplants are cooked with cinnamon, until they are soft. Then with the previously strained aubergine water, blend the aubergines and add the milk, sugar and vanilla….

Eggplant Cream Recipe

Eggplant Cream Recipe

Eggplant is a vegetable native to India, it is famous in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine, it provides nutrients, minerals and antioxidants to the human body. There are different forms and preparations when consuming it, in this case we will taste it in a delicious cream, and this is an ideal recipe for people who take care of their figure,…