Celery Cream Recipe

Celery Cream Recipe

Ingredients to make Celery Cream: 8 celery stalk 4 tablespoon flour 1 1/2 liters milk 2 tablespoons butter 2 cup heavy cream 1 pc. onion 100 grams bacon 1 liter Water Salt white pepper, to taste How to make Celery Cream: The celery stems, the onion and the bacon are cut into Brunoised, and the butter is placed in…

Bean Cream Recipe

Bean Cream Recipe

Ingredients to make Cream of Beans: 1 1/4 cup(s) beans 1/2 carrot(s) 1/2 red pepper(s1 garlic clove(s) 1/2 branch(s) chopped celery 125 gr prawns 1 tablespoon(s) olive oil to taste pepper salt to taste How to make Bean Cream: Soak the beans in plenty of water overnight.  Strain. Peel the carrots and cut into slices. Peel…