Recipes with cream cheese

Recipes with cream cheese

Cream cheese is a type of cheese that is obtained by curdling the lactic ferments of a mixture of milk and cream. This ingredient is characterized by being an unctuous, loose and fresh accompaniment, which despite being very creamy has a firm texture. In recent years, it has become popular for being a much lighter dairy derivative, with nutritional…

Fennel Cream Recipe

Fennel Cream Recipe

Fennel is a wild plant that is grown on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and that has many health benefits if you consume it regularly. It helps heavy digestion, reduces gas, relieves colds by facilitating expectoration, provides iron, so it fights anemia, and also helps to lose weight, as it has great diuretic and purifying…

Eggplant Cream Recipe

Eggplant Cream Recipe

Eggplant is a vegetable native to India, it is famous in Asian and Mediterranean cuisine, it provides nutrients, minerals and antioxidants to the human body. There are different forms and preparations when consuming it, in this case we will taste it in a delicious cream, and this is an ideal recipe for people who take care of their figure,…

Tuna Cream Recipe for snack

Tuna Cream Recipe for snack

Ingredients to make Tuna Cream for snack: 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons of cream 2 teaspoons of lemon juice A pinch of lemon zest Salt freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon gelatin, unflavored, powdered 1 tablespoon of water 90 gr. tuna, canned, drained and shredded 1 boiled egg, chopped 2 teaspoons capers, chopped 1 tomato peeled…