

Ingredients to make Frappuccino: 400 milliliters of Milk (whole, semi or skimmed) 1 tablespoon of ground coffee (maximum 2) 2 tablespoons of Sugar 1 tablespoon of Cocoa powder How to make Frappuccino: First we take a container where we add the milk, then we add the other ingredients and mix everything well. Remember that you…



Ingredients to make Tescalate: 3 pieces of Corn Tortilla 2 tablespoons of Cocoa powder 1 cup of Milk (240 milliliters) 1½ teaspoons of Pine Nuts ½ teaspoon Cinnamon ½ teaspoon of Annatto 1 tablespoon of Sugar 1 cup of ice How to make Tescalate: You will see that preparing this Mexican drink is very easy,…