Grills recipe with chickpeas and chorizo

Turnip greens with chickpeas and chorizo ​​are a complete and delicious spoon dish for cold days. It has many positive qualities, since legumes contain vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, turnip greens mainly provide vitamin B9 and E, and chorizo ​​provides an incredible extra flavor, in addition to protein. This dish is cooked over low heat, as our…

Sautéed Chickpeas with Curried Vegetables Recipe

Sautéed Chickpeas with Curried Vegetables Recipe

Ingredients to make Sautéed Chickpeas with Curried Vegetables: 100 gr of cooked chickpeas 100 g of spinach 100 grams of salmon 75 gr of fine green beans 1/2 small onion 1 teaspoon of curry Salt Pepper extra virgin olive oil 1/4 red bell pepper How to make Sautéed Chickpeas with Curried Vegetables: 1.Rinse the cooked…

Sautéed Chickpeas Recipe

Sautéed Chickpeas Recipe

Ingredients to make Sautéed Chickpeas: 500 grams of cooked chickpeas 1 tablespoon paprika 150ml lemon juice 150ml orange juice 1 unit of purple onion cut into squares 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon dried parsley salt mix Pepper How to make Sautéed Chickpeas: 1.Prelist all the ingredients. 2.In a medium skillet add a little vegetable…