Tlalpeño Chicken Broth Recipe

Tlalpeño Chicken Broth Recipe

Tlalpeño broth is a well-known traditional Mexican recipe. This spoon dish consists of a chicken broth with chicken meat, chickpeas and carrots, sometimes also with corn and potatoes, but this varies depending on who prepares it. The seasoning is given with the famous epazote and chipotle chili, both very common ingredients in Mexican cuisine. With this recipe we teach you…

Chicken Soup Recipe

Chicken Soup Recipe

When the temperature drops, it provokes us to have a soup to warm up. This chicken soup recipe is delicious, economical and simple. You don’t need much culinary knowledge to make it, and you only need chicken meat, although it can also be made with beef. As its name says, it can be made in just a few minutes. Like…

Chicken Consommé Recipe

Chicken Consommé Recipe

The consommés are those homemade, concentrated soups that recharged the energy to the maximum. Chicken consommé is perfect for a cold day or when we need to recover lost energy, a tasty and useful recipe. Follow these simple steps and prepare a rich, healthy and nutritious soup that you can surely include in your diet to lose weight. Ingredients to…

Chicken Carbonada Recipe

Chicken Carbonada Recipe

Nothing more comforting than a good chicken soup to give warmth to the body. This recipe for chicken carbonada is popular in Chilean homes, its most common preparation is with strips of beef, but the version with chicken is still delicious and a great option when it comes to making a comforting homemade meal. This recipe is prepared based…