Recipe of Canarian Tamales with Manchego cheese

Recipe of Canarian Tamales with Manchego cheese

In Mexico, tamales are one of the most traditional dishes of the national cuisine. In addition, they are especially popular when talking about posadas, since their preparation is not very laborious and they come in an infinity of flavors and styles. For this reason, on this occasion, we have decided to bring you an incredible recipe for Mexican…

Canarian Stew Recipe

Canarian Stew Recipe

At this article, we bring you one of those dishes that fascinate us due to the details of its preparation. The wide variety of vegetables and meats in this Canarian stew recipe gives us a delicious broth dish full of nutrients. We dedicate it to our Canarian readers who prepare it with so much love and skill, because…

Canarian Tamales Recipe

Canarian Tamales Recipe

Canarian tamales are small sweet pale yellow tamales made with rice flour and filled with raisins, walnuts and pineapple. In other regions of the country you can find similar tamales with the name of “rice tamales “. Do not stay with the desire to try these sweet Mexican tamales and see the step by step Ingredients to make Canarian Tamales: 250 grams…