Crab Cake Recipe

Crab Cake Recipe

If you like traditional home cooking, you will love this crab cake. It is a simple and at the same time very tasty recipe, with basic ingredients and a special touch provided by the crab meat. Ingredients to make Crab Cake: 300 grams of crab meat 1 teaspoon of Parsley 100 milliliters of Cream of milk…

Tie Cake Recipe

Tie Cake Recipe

There is a typical English dish that consists of a layer of minced meat and a layer of gratin mashed potatoes, this recipe is called Cottage Pie. Well, together we will show you how to prepare a similar cake, but replacing the potatoes with little ties. You can use the leftover ties or cook them again with…

Cranberry and Walnut Cake Recipe

Cranberry and Walnut Cake Recipe

The most delicious desserts are sometimes the easiest to make, like this rich Cranberry Walnut Cheesecake for example. If you like the combination of berries with nuts, surely you will not be able to resist this original cheesecake. Pay attention to the instructions and forget about complicating your life to prepare a dessert worthy of big celebrations because…