Galician Broth Recipe

Galician Broth Recipe

Ingredients to make Caldo Gallego: 300 grams White bean 1/2 kg. cow meat 1 pc. spine bone 1 pc. cane bone 1 pc. Hambone 200 grams lacon 200 grams salt pork rib 200 grams pork (salted head and ear) 200 grams salty bacon 2 u. Galician chorizo 2-3 bunch turnip tops 1kg potato 100 grams unto sweet paprika flour Salt How to make Galician Broth: Desalt the…

Peruvian Chicken Broth Recipe

Peruvian Chicken Broth Recipe

Practically, in the world we share the same ingredients for our food. However, each culture uses a preparation or combination of flavors with which they create unique dishes. This is especially true with this Peruvian caldo de gallina recipe. If you haven’t tried it, it’s hard to imagine how the flavors of chicken, chives and ginger harmonize to produce…

Oaxaca Stone Broth Recipe

Oaxaca Stone Broth Recipe

The stone broth is an Oaxaca dish symbol of coexistence and peace, as well as distinction. This soup with fish was prepared collectively, on the banks of the river. Its peculiarity is that it was prepared in stone bowls, to which fish and shellfish, herbs, etc. were added. The cooking was carried out by heating small stones in burning wood until…

Mexican Chicken Broth with Rice Recipe

Mexican Chicken Broth with Rice Recipe

Chicken broth is one of the favorite dishes in winter because, due to its temperature, liquid consistency and its ingredients, it is one of the most complete and substantial recipes to recover from a bad cold and the consequences of low temperatures. This time we explain how to prepare chicken broth with rice and vegetables. It is an easy chicken…