Beet Risotto Recipe

Beet Risotto Recipe

If you want to prepare an original dish with a striking color, this red risotto will come in handy. As its author, Carlos Loyola, comments, beet risotto is a preparation that stands out for its creaminess and exquisite flavor. The beet undoubtedly gives a lot of color, but in addition, in this homemade risotto recipe, we will use it to…

Spaghetti with red beet pesto recipe

Spaghetti with red beet pesto recipe

Pesto is a very popular sauce, delicious and… versatile! Many associate it with its classic green appearance, however, the term “pesto” only refers to the type of preparation with mortar, since in Italian pesto comes from the Genoese term pestare, which translates as “pound”. This means that any pounded sauce can be pesto, apart from the popular green basil…

Beet Arepas Recipe

Beet Arepas Recipe

There is a wide variety of ways to savor delicious arepas. Yes, it is no longer enough to prepare them with vegetables or assorted cereals and invent various forms of filling. Now, we have to show them… colorful! In addition, each color warns of the load of original and different flavors such as spinach arepas or the ones we will…

Roasted Beet Salad Recipe

Roasted Beet Salad Recipe

Roasted beet salad is a star side dish at Thanksgiving dinners. Also, if you are organizing any dinner with friends you can prepare this original side dish that we show you. Ingredients to make Roasted Beetroot Salad: 350 grams of Beetroot 2 tablespoons of orange juice 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of ground black pepper 1 dessert spoon…