Baked Chaparritas Recipe

Baked Chaparritas Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make some baked chaparritas, it is a typical Chilean recipe that consists of a Viennese sausage wrapped in empanada dough and stuffed with buttery cheese. Do you want to know the step by step? Then keep reading and cook with this simple Chilean recipe. Ingredients to make Baked Chaparritas: empanada dough 1…

Baked Romanescu Recipe

Baked Romanescu Recipe

Romanescu is a type of broccoli and cauliflower with numerous health benefits and properties. It contains many vitamins and minerals, with anticancer, diuretic, heart-healthy properties, it reduces blood cholesterol and, in addition, it has few calories. It is a great ally when it comes to losing weight. Even if you consume romanescu with few supplements,…

Baked Tofu Recipe

Baked Tofu Recipe

Ingredients to make Baked Tofu: Tofu Green onion or chives Soy sauce Oregano and oil How to make Baked Tofu: Cut several large pieces of tofu. Spread with miso or tahini and place in an oiled baking dish. Bake for 15 minutes. Brush a baking dish with oil. Add the coarsely chopped green onion. Place…

Baked Falafel Recipe

Baked Falafel Recipe

Falafel is a kind of flattened croquette based on chickpea paste. It is prepared with similar ingredients to the famous chickpea hummus, but the chickpea falafel is made with flour and fried to achieve a more solid consistency. In this case, we are going to prepare a lighter and healthier option with this delicious baked falafel recipe that we bring you. You…