Asian Spaghetti Recipe

Asian Spaghetti Recipe

Asian spaghetti combines intense and exotic flavors in a dish that will become one of your favorites. These chicken rice noodles will help you get out of the routine on special days and don’t be scared by the amount of ingredients, because this Asian spaghetti recipe is easier than it appears. Ingredients to make Asian Spaghetti: 120 grams of rice…

Asian Lobster Recipe

Asian Lobster Recipe

Ingredients to make Asian Lobster: 1 lobster For the filling we need: Lobster meat (previously already cooked) 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger 1/2 onion, chopped brunoise (in small dice) 1/2 paprika chopped in brunoise 1 tsp garlic finely minced 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 2 teaspoons sesame oil or margarine 1 tablespoon toasted black…