Stuffed Arepas Recipe

Stuffed Arepas Recipe

Learn how to make three types of stuffed arepas by following a few simple instructions. This time we bring you traditional, sweet potato and plantain arepas with original and delicious fillings with which you will surely surprise everyone at home. Dare to prepare the famous arepas and enjoy them for breakfast or dinner.   Ingredients to make Stuffed Arepas:…

Recipe for Arepas stuffed with shredded meat

Recipe for Arepas stuffed with shredded meat

Arepas are a typical Colombian dish and from other Caribbean countries. They are made with corn flour and are usually white or yellow. In Colombia there is a great variety according to the different regions of the country and with this recipe you will learn to prepare delicious arepas stuffed with shredded meat that are typical of the Cundinamarca region. Get to…

Colombian Arepas Recipe

Colombian Arepas Recipe

Have you ever heard of the famous Colombian arepas? Arepas are one of the most famous dishes of Latin American cuisine, and specifically they are very popular in Colombia and Venezuela. We point out that arepas can be eaten without filling or with filling. Wondering how to make Colombian arepas? Don’t miss this recipe and learn how to cook…

Oat Arepas Recipe

Oat Arepas Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make some delicious oatmeal arepas, a healthy recipe for those who want to take care of themselves a little more. These corn and oatmeal arepas are typical in Colombia and Venezuela, where they are usually served with all kinds of accompaniments, such as pork ham, cheese and hogao. Let’s see the step by step…

Andean Corn Arepas Recipe

Andean Corn Arepas Recipe

The Andean corn arepas, known in the region as cachapas, are sweet corn pancakes original to Venezuelan cuisine, where they are normally eaten for breakfast or dinner. Cachapas are famous in Venezuela not only for being part of its culinary tradition but also for being a nutritious and varied food since it can be served with thousands of…