Beet Arepas Recipe

Beet Arepas Recipe

There is a wide variety of ways to savor delicious arepas. Yes, it is no longer enough to prepare them with vegetables or assorted cereals and invent various forms of filling. Now, we have to show them… colorful! In addition, each color warns of the load of original and different flavors such as spinach arepas or the ones we will…

Arepa paisa recipe

Arepa paisa recipe

Paisa arepas, also known as cloth or flat arepas, are very easy to prepare. Characteristics of the region that bears their name, these arepas are somewhat thinner than the classic ones, so you can consume them as a snack or as an accompaniment to your favorite dishes. Ingredients to make Arepa paisa: • 200 grams…

Recipe for Arepas stuffed with ground beef with mayonnaise

Recipe for Arepas stuffed with ground beef with mayonnaise

Homemade arepas are one of the pillars of Venezuelan gastronomy, and in addition to being easy to prepare, their versatility allows us to fill them with endless elaborations.  Thus, we can opt for melted cheese, shredded meat, vegetables, chicken, and a long etcetera. On this occasion, we will learn to cook some delicious Venezuelan arepas…

Spinach Arepas with Oats Recipe

Spinach Arepas with Oats Recipe

Corn, oatmeal and spinach… Can you imagine a more nutritious trio at your table? Add a delicious filling with protein values. Incredible! This culinary marvel is called spinach arepas with oats. This article brings you this delicious and nutritious recipe for oatmeal arepas to liven up your mornings and take care of your figure. Flavor? Unrivaled! Even if you are the type…