Zucchini Arepas with Oats Recipe

Zucchini Arepas with Oats Recipe

Vegetables and cereals in the same plate? Yes! all in the same presentation: zucchini arepa with oatmeal. Zucchini provides a magnificent flavor, between bitter and sweet, appetizing all year round. Oatmeal adds an attractive texture to foods. This duo provides incredible nutrients separately but together they are…wonderful for the body! At this article, we spend…

Types of arepas

Types of arepas

The arepa is a round bread of indigenous origin typical of America.S Recently, this food has become very popular around the world due to the emigration of Venezuelans and many people think that it is possibly here to stay, just as other international foods did at the time. However, although at present the arepa that…

Green plantain arepas recipe without flour

Green plantain arepas recipe without flour

You want a different breakfast but in the kitchen you only have some green bananas, besides…, you don’t feel like leaving home to buy! Don’t worry, this recipe for Venezuelan arepas is perfect for those of us who are lazy on specific days: green plantain arepa without flour. This article brings you a recipe without complications, so you…