Corn Arepa Recipe

Corn Arepa Recipe

Arepas are known as the native bread in Latin America, especially in Venezuela and Colombia. Originally, they were made with a mass of roasted corn, however, given their jump to the European continent, other dairy products were added, such as milk, butter or cheese. Also, you should know that, currently, there are about 70 varieties…

Plain Arepa Recipe

Plain Arepa Recipe

The arepa is something like a round and thin bread, made from corn flour and water. It is a classic of Latin American cuisine, especially from countries like Venezuela and Colombia. Its origin dates back to pre-Columbian times, that is, we could consider it as a legacy of our indigenous ancestors. Over the years, more…

Egg Arepa Recipe

Egg Arepa Recipe

Ingredients to make Egg Arepa: A teaspoon of salt. Half teaspoon of sugar. Ground beef (optional) How to make Egg Arepa: Put the flour in a bowl along with the salt and sugar. Gradually add the water until a very soft manageable dough forms. When the dough is ready, the arepas should be formed, for…

Pumpkin Arepa recipe without corn flour

Pumpkin Arepa recipe without corn flour

You want to eat arepa but… you want something healthy! Don’t worry, this article brings you an exquisite and nutritious option? We invite you to try the delicious pumpkin arepas without cornmeal. You only need two ingredients: pumpkin and cornstarch, so there are no excuses. You will love its smooth consistency! You can fill this delicious pumpkin arepa with cornstarch with avocado…

Sweet potato arepa recipe without corn flour

Sweet potato arepa recipe without corn flour

Flourless arepas are delicious, but if they are sweet potato…Mmmm! These sweet potato arepas without corn flour are similar to banana ones, due to their sweet flavor. Also, you do not need any type of flour to cook this appetizer. Perfect if you are on a diet, need to save money or have celiac disease, and this option is for you. This…