Tacos al pastor recipe for vegetarians

Tacos are a characteristic dish of Mexico but in many countries they don’t know exactly what they are made of (if they only have meat, if they only have vegetables, what are they served with…) The answer is: if it fits in a tortilla it is a taco, it doesn’t matter if it’s meat, beans, nopales, if it’s on a tortilla it’s a taco.

Throughout the country it is very common to see taco stands and these are usually meat.  One of the most typical are the famous tacos al pastor. Tacos al pastor are beef with guajillo chili sauce and pineapple chunks on a tortilla, and are most people’s favorite tacos.

Today you can learn thanks to our friend Frida Dgm to make this typical dish of tacos al pastor for vegetarians, making it healthier and cheaper. Don’t be afraid to use soybeans as they are well hydrated and you don’t notice the difference with meat.

Ingredients to make Tacos al pastor for vegetarians:

  • 250 grams of Soy
  • 500 grams of guajillo chili
  • 1 onion
  • Cilantro
  • Pineapple
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt
  • Powdered vegetable (or chicken) broth
  • Omelets
  • 1 jet of oil
  • Laurel
  • Lemon

How to make Tacos al pastor for vegetarians:

The first thing we do to prepare these la pastor soy tacos is to hydrate the soybeans: for this, boil a pan of water with a quarter of an onion and bay leaves. Once it is boiling, turn off the stove, pour in the soybeans and let stand for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse it with cold water until the water runs clear and let it drain.

For the tacos al pastor sauce, first we boil the guajillo chilies, and once they are soft we grind them with a quarter of an onion, two cloves of garlic, salt and powdered broth to your liking. With our soy taco sauce ready, we fry it with a splash of oil and then add the soy.

We serve all the ingredients of the soy al pastor tacos in the tortillas and accompany them with onion, cilantro and pineapple in pieces and lemon. ENJOY!

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