Taco Salad Recipe

At this article, we always think of all the people who want to take care of themselves. For this reason, in this recipe we bring a delicious salad with chicken breast and black beans, which has a Tex mex touch and, therefore, we have called it taco salad. Accompanied by a dressing that is also attached on the page, it is a really exquisite and simple option. Stay with us to see the recipe step by step and discover how to make taco salad.

Ingredients to make Taco Salad:

  • 1 unit of large chicken breast
  • 120 grams of cherry tomatoes
  • 150 grams of cooked black beans
  • 1 can of sweet corn
  • 60 grams of peas
  • 60 grams of green beans
  • 60 grams of Baby Carrot
  • 1 unit of Avocado
  • 1 pinch of dehydrated onion
  • 1 pinch of Paprika
  • 1 unit of green curly lettuce
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil
  • 120 grams of corn tortillas
  • 1 unit of Taco Salad Dressing

How to make Taco Salad:

To make our taco salad recipe in the first step you must pre-list the ingredients. Remember that the black beans or caraotas must be hydrated from the night before by submerging them in water for about 24 hours. Once this time has elapsed, you will have to remove the water where you hydrated them and cook the beans in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes or until they are soft. Take the lettuce to a bowl with water and a splash of vinegar or lemon juice to disinfect it. Leave it submerged for about 15 minutes and remove the water. Let it drain in a colander. In a separate bowl mix the cooked black beans with the baby corn.

Cook the peas and green beans in boiling water until both ingredients are tender and crisp at the same time. Reserve these vegetables to continue with the preparation of the taco salad.

Trick: Green beans are known as habichuelines in other countries and peas as peas.

Add to the bowl where the black beans and sweet corn were, the cherry tomatoes, green beans, peas, carrot. Mix well so that the vegetables of our Tex mex recipe are integrated. With your hands, chop the lettuce and place it on the base of the plate. We chop with our hands so that this vegetable does not oxidize when cutting it with a knife.

Bring a skillet to medium heat and add the sunflower oil; add the squared chicken breast with the dehydrated onion, paprika, salt and black pepper when the oil is hot. Sauté these ingredients very well until the chicken breast is browned.

Serve the salad by mixing the green lettuce with the rest of the vegetables and adding sautéed chicken breast squares. Add the corn tortillas and the taco salad dressing and enjoy this delicious recipe with a Tex mex touch.

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