Tacacho recipe with cecina and chorizo

The teach with cecina accompanied by Amazonian chorizo ​​is one of the dishes originating in the jungle region and, therefore, one of the most typical of Peru. And you may wonder what teach is, well, this dish is made up of the famous green bellicose plantain that, first of all, is fried in lard and later, must be mashed (crushed) in order to give it a spherical shape. Like a ball On the other hand, cecina is pork seasoned in salt and achiote smoked in wood. It should be noted that in other times it was made with peccary meat, a wild pig found only in the jungle.

Ingredients to make Tacacho with cecina and chorizo:

  • 6 units of green bellicose banana
  • 600 grams of jerky
  • 100 grams of pork belly
  • 3 units of Amazonian chorizo
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ liter of oil
  • How to make Tacacho with cecina and chorizo:

  1. We start with the recipe for teach with cecina and Amazonian chorizo. You must peel the bananas and cut them into thick discs (they do not have to be perfect). You should also cut the pork into small cubes.
  2. Heat the oil in a tall pot over medium heat to avoid splashing. Once the oil is hot, you must fry the pork cubes until they get a golden color (chicharrón).
  3. In the same oil, taking advantage of the flavor left by the pork rinds, you must fry the plantain disks until they are golden in color. Remove the discs using a slotted spoon and reserve.
  4. Using a mallet, rolling pin or wooden object, flatten the disks until you obtain a (non-homogeneous) dough.
  5. Add the pork crackling cubes to the dough, season with salt and form the teach balls with the help of your hands
  6. Fry the cecina and the chorizo ​​in the same oil until they both turn golden brown. We are almost done with the recipe for teach with cecina!
  7. Serve 3 balls of teach with cecina and Amazonian chorizo. If desired, it can be accompanied with corona chili and fried plantains. Ready to eat! What do you think of this typical jungle dish?

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