Swiss Enchiladas Recipe

Mexican enchiladas are one of the most elaborate dishes in this country and are made with corn tortillas covered in a sauce. Although the best known are the Mexican ones, the Guatemalan enchiladas are also very famous. As a whole, there is a wide variety of enchiladas, each with a specific filling and sauce.

In this recipe we want to show you one of the most popular types of enchiladas, it is the Swiss enchiladas, are you going to miss them? Read on and discover the steps you need to follow.

Ingredients to make Swiss Enchiladas:

For the sauce:

  • 1 kilogram of strawberry tomato
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 4 cubes of chicken consommé
  • ½ liter of milk
  • ¼ bunch of Cilantro

For the filling and enchilada:

  • 30 units of thin corn tortillas
  • 2 pieces of cooked chicken breast

For plugin:

  • 8 slices of Manchego or Chihuahua cheese
  • 1 unit of Tomato
  • 1 unit of lettuce
  • 1 handful of refried beans

How to make Swiss Enchiladas:

The first thing we are going to do is the sauce for the Swiss enchiladas. To do this, take a pot with enough capacity to add the indicated tomatoes and cover it halfway with water.  Add the chicken consommé cubes, bring to a boil and, once it reaches the boiling point, add the tomatoes and cook until they change color. When the tomatoes change color, turn off the heat and let them finish cooking in the hot water. Meanwhile, she takes a deep frying pan and makes an onion sauce. To brown it, it is advisable to cut it very finely. Once the onion is golden, remove it and add it to the blender container. Also add the cooked tomatoes and cilantro. Blend everything well to make the Swiss enchilada sauce.

It is advisable that you start with a low speed and, little by little, increase it. In the same pan where you browned the onion, add the mixture that you just blended and add the milk. You will have to stir everything until you get a thick and smooth sauce. Reserve the sauce and start preparing the tortillas. If you want to make your own corn tortillas, don’t miss this recipe. When you have them, fill them with the pieces of cooked chicken breast that you consider and fold them so that there is a not too thick roll.

Now is the time to plate the Swiss enchiladas. To do this, place five wraps on each plate (or more if the tortillas are very small), next to them, beans, a little lettuce and a slice of red tomato as decoration.

Then, bathe the scrambled eggs with the very hot and thick sauce. Then, place the slice of cheese so that it gratins. Swiss enchiladas are characterized by being covered with gratin cheese and not containing spicy, so this ingredient is essential if you want to follow the traditional recipe.

As you can see, the Swiss enchiladas are a delicacy that you cannot miss out on. Bon Appetite!

You can freeze the leftover sauce for another day or, if you like it with a touch of spice, add a jalapeño pepper, blend it and use it for some green chilaquiles. If you like the idea, instead of gratin cheese you should sprinkle the chicken, panela cheese and sour cream.

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