Sweet tart dough recipe

What is the best dough for sweet cakes? Without a doubt, this is one of the most frequent questions asked by all those people who are starting out in the fascinating world of confectionery. Well, it is difficult to choose one as the best because there are countless masses, each designed to prepare a type of cake. However, if we think of a quick, easy, practical and versatile dough, the one we share below meets all these requirements, so we could classify it as one of the best.

The pie crust shown here is made without shortening, so we’ll use oil instead. However, if you prefer to use butter, you can do so using the same amount indicated for oil but in grams. Do not wait any longer, gather all the ingredients, follow the step by step and discover how to make sweet pie dough in this article, you will love it!

Ingredients to make Sweet Pie Dough:

  • 350 grams of common or self-raising flour
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 100 milliliters of sunflower oil
  • 2 bars of eggs
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Sweet Pie Dough:

  1. Mix the flour in a bowl with the sugar and salt.
  2. If you are wondering what flour to use for sweet cakes, you should know that you can make the sweet cake dough with self-rising flour or common wheat flour.
  3. Make a hole in the centerand add the eggs, oil and vanilla.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, remove the sweet tart dough from the bowl and continue to knead with your hands until you obtain a firm and compact dough.
  5. Tip: If you think it is too dry, add a little more oil, while if it is too oily, and add flour
  6. Introduce the dough into the bowl again and reserve it in the fridge forapproximately 30 minutes to finish settling.
  7. Tip: Letting the sweet tart dough rest in the cold is one of the keys to achieving a perfect result.
  8. To go faster, you can leave it for 10 minutes in the freezer
  9. After the time has elapsed, remove the dough from the refrigerator, knead it again and roll it out with a rolling pin.
  10. To make sweet cakes we recommend leaving a thickness of approximately 1 cm
  11. All that remains is to put the sweet tart doughin the mold to fill it to your liking.
  12.  You can use this sweet tart base dough to prepare the traditional quince paste, for example, to make an apple, chocolate, dulce de leche pie or whatever you like best.
  13.  Once filled, you can cover the surface with strips of leftover dough and… Bake!

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