Sweet potato frola pasta recipe

The traditional pasta frola is a cake made up of a sweet dough base similar to shortcrust pastry and a filling made with quince paste. Due to its popularity, there are currently many versions of this delicious dessert, such as the one we share below.

The sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, is a tuber typical of fall and winter, so it is often used a lot to make all kinds of recipes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For this reason, the sweet potato frola pasta recipe that we will learn to prepare is one of the most consumed sweets during these dates. If you also want to present this succulent cake, keep reading and discover the step by step that we show in this article to find out how to make sweet potato pastafrola, an easy pastafrola that you will love.

Ingredients to make Sweet potato frola pasta:

  • 1 piece of sweet potato large or two medium
  • 1 sheet of baking paper
  • 1 sheet of shortbread pasta
  • 2 dessert spoons of stevia or sweetener to your liking
  • 1 lemon (zest and juice)
  • 2 sheets of neutral gelatin or agar-agar
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
  • 1 glass of water
  • For the pasta frola dough:
  • 250 grams of flour
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • 75 milliliters of light olive oil
  • 2 eggs

How to make Sweet Potato Frola Pasta:

  1. Prepare the pasta frola doughby mixing all the ingredients until you get a compact and homogeneous mixture.
  2. We have chosen to make the pasta frola dough with oil following the step by step of this recipe.
  3. Spread the dough on baking paperwith the help of a roller.
  4. Cut the dough so that the sweet potato frola pasta has a circular shape.
  5.  To do this, a very effective trick is to place a plate on the sheet and cut it along the edge.
  6.  The leftover dough can be saved to decorate the surface later.
  7. Place the doughwith the baking paper in a mold, adjust it well to cover the base and the walls and paint it with beaten egg.
  8.  The paper will be a great ally when unmolding the cake, so we recommend keeping it.
  9. To make the filling, put the sweet potato in a plastic bag, close it, prick it with a knife and microwave it for 12 minutes at maximum power.
  10. While the sweet potato is roasting, hydrate the gelatin in cold water.
  11.  When hydrated, dissolve them in the glass of hot water.
  12. Grate a lemonto use all the zest and squeeze only half of the fruit.
  13.  This ingredient not only enhances the flavor of sweet potato frola pasta, but also acts as a natural preservative.
  14. Check that the sweet potato is cooked by poking it with a toothpick. If it is well done, carefully peel it and cut it into slices.
  15. Besides, preheat the oven to 200ºC with heat up and down.
  16. Trick: So as not to burn yourself when peeling the sweet potato, run it through cold water.
  17. Crush the sweet potato with the water containing the gelatin, the lemon zest and juice, the chosen sweetener and the vanilla essence.
  18. When it acquires a texture similar to that of a compote, pour the filling over the dough until it is about half a centimeter thick.
  19. If there is any filling left over, you can always reserve it in a sterilized jar and store it in the fridge for breakfast.
  20. Decorate the sweet potato frola pasta by forming cylinders with the leftover dough and placing them on top creating a grid.
  21.  Bake at 180ºC with heat up and down for 30 minutes, or until you see that the dough is golden.
  22. Let cool to room temperature and serve. This sweet potato frola pasta recipe is perfect for tea time or to enjoy it with a little whipped cream.
  23. Tip: It can be stored in the fridge for a few days.

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