Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Cream Recipe

Sweet potato and pumpkin cream is a delicious seasonal recipe. Pumpkins and sweet potatoes are at their best during the fall, so if the days start to get colder, it is the perfect opportunity to try an original and flavorful cream! In addition, they are two ingredients to which spices go very well, you can add the ones you like the most to prepare it to your liking.

In this case, this cream that we bring you has a soft sweet touch and is ideal for the little ones in the house, because the flavor is very pleasant and not strong at all. Discover how to make sweet potato and pumpkin cream, in addition to the properties and benefits that you can take advantage of this nutritious dish. Go for it!

Ingredients to make Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Cream:

  1. 1 sweet potato
  2. 300 grams of pumpkin
  3. 2 units of potatoes
  4. 1 unit of leek
  5. 600 milliliters of water or broth
  6. 1 splash of olive oil
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. 1 pinch of pepper (optional)

How to make Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Cream:

  • To prepare this pumpkin and sweet potato cream recipe, start by peeling the pumpkin. Remove the thick skin and cut it into small pieces. Also, peel and cut the sweet potato into pieces. Clean the leek, cut the greenest part and cut it in half. Wash it under the tap so that there is no soil left between its leaves. Lastly, cut it into small pieces.
  • Put a saucepan over medium heat, add a splash of oil and add the leek, leave it for a couple of minutes to cook.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces, add them to the pan along with the pumpkins and the sweet potato. Stir all the ingredients, add a little salt and a little pepper.
  • Tip: if you like spicy creams, you can add a cayenne pepper or a bit of spicy paprika.
  • Add water or broth to cover all ingredients. Let cook until everything is tender.
  • Once everything is cooked, crush it with the blender until it is very fine. If you want the cream even finer, you can pass it through a Chinese strainer.
  • Return the cream to the saucepan, test for salt and rectify. You can add a little more salt or pepper. It serves. This sweet potato and pumpkin cream is ideal to accompany it with some croutons or toasted bread.

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